Sunday, June 26, 2016

Chemo (Round 3 of 4)

6/9/16 Chemo Round 3.  Can I say how much a DREAD going for this A/C chemo?  I know it' supposed to help me, but the side effects are just the worst!  Here we go again, putting on my happy chemo face which is really my I want to vomit face and run so far away from this nightmare face.... But here we go, deep breaths, Round 3 bring it on baby!  Kill the living shit out of these bad cancer cells and lets move on! 

Had long talk with Dr. Browne about how I'm feeling.  On and off nausea, arms & legs are sore to the touch, period came back again, belly feels bloated & tight, can't sleep all that good - up at 2am every night etc.  Basically, I have to just deal with the effects, take the meds, drink lots of fluids, etc.  Came back next day for Neulasta - UGH - I hate this!  Not the best round, but keeping my bald head up as best as I can!

I also mentioned that I feel lumps on both "new boobs".  She was concerned with that part, she's happy that I'm starting to examine myself though to figure out what is normal for me.  She did suggest I make an apt with my plastic surgeon to be sure all is ok as I complained about swelling on the sides.  I met with Dr. Ehrlichman on 6/22/16 and he was wonderful.  We talked about all my concerns, he did exam on my and said I'm healing perfectly.  He loves the way they new boobs look - I need to go see him more often - excellent ego boost - LOL!!!

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