Monday, June 6, 2016

Chemo (Round 2 of 4)

5/26/16 Chemo Round 2.  To say that I was dreading today would be a major understatement!  I'm so NOT looking forward to going back for more.  I just started to feel like a human being again and BAM.... I have to go back for round 2.  It' so unfair and I have to think or at least I hope that in the future for other cancer patients that research and technology finds a better way. 

Met with Dr. Browne, all looked good, my blood work was ok to go for round 2.  We talked about how I felt and I told her "I don't think I can go thru that again, what can we do for round 2 to be better"?  She changed some of my meds for nausea and when I come back for the Neulasta shot tomorrow, I'll be getting some extra fluids.  Let's hope this is a better round.  Here we go!
I followed the anti nausea meds to a T.  I have to say, this was a much better round.  I didn't feel great - but I didn't feel anywhere near the way I did in round 1 - thank GOD!  Still felt tired, a little bit of nausea, joint pain, swelling, but it was way more tolerable.  The Neuslast isn't fun by any means - lots of pain with it.  I realized my taste buds are completely out of wack.  Nothing tastes like it used to.  On a different note, I've been trying to work the arm exercises in a lot and I'm still not great, but I did manage to get my shirt over my head all by myself!!!  I know...... sounds silly, but you have no idea how BIG that is!   Baby steps to doing the things we take for granted.  I can even raise my arms shoulder height now.  WHAHOOO!  I still can't give hugs like a normal person, so air hugs it is still.  But I'll take the smallest of steps forward.  It's the simple things! 

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