Monday, June 6, 2016

And the Head gets Shaved

They say there is a time and place for everything.  Today 6/5/16, right before the Miss USA pageant was about to start, I said to my husband, "Its time" and he knew what that meant.  I've somehow managed to have hair longer than all my doctors combined thought I'd have hair.  However, it had gotten to a point that it needed to go, there just wasn't enough to try to keep it.  I took a deep breath and Scott started to shave it.  Certainly not what he ever imagined doing for his wife.  In sickness and in health is what our vows say right?  Here it was, living proof of it. 
the deed was done and my hair was gone.  In some strange way, it was liberating.  As I watched the pageant, one of the questions they asked was to define "Confidently Beautiful".  Ironic right?  Well, I could right a 10 page dissertation on that subject, but for now, I'm not saying I feel confident or beautiful on the outside by any means, actually quite the opposite.  Being confidently beautiful goes beyond the outward appearance of a person.  It's a state of being, a presence, an awareness within, it radiates strength with humbleness.  By no means do I feel beautiful in any way, but yet, as a woman and a mother, this is a teaching moment for my girls. Mom can do this and feel ok about it.  Sometimes, life will throw you curve balls you never imagined coming your way and those curve balls can change everything you've ever known.  It's in those moments that you realize what you are made of.  So you pick yourself up, dust yourself off and get back up regardless of how hard it is.  And no matter how you feel on the inside, you get up, dress up, show up and never give up!  That's what confidently beautiful means to me at this particular point in time.  If a picture is worth 1000 words, this is as short and sweet as I can define it...... scary looking I know, but it is what it is.  Here's to baldness!

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