Friday, July 1, 2016

Physical Transformation

I knew from the start that hair loss was going to be in my future - but honestly, no one can prepare you for it when it happens.  The emotional effects it has on ones self esteem is beyond words.  I usually care very much how I present myself, not to a "diva" degree, but in a "making a good impression" degree.  Well, I have chosen to NOT look in the mirror these past few months because every time I do, I find myself asking myself... "how the hell did I get like this" or "who is this person"?  It's taken me a long time to accept my "new" look - I don't think I ever will - but I have 2 choices, never leave the house (which is quite frankly impossible due to the girls & their activities and all my darn doctor appointments) or put on my big girl panties and embrace my baldness.  I've chosen the latter.  Below is the transformation from the start all the way thru the end of chemo where the hair or lack thereof was at it's worst. God, the transformation is incredible, it's like 2 entirely different people! Truly amazing how a person changes because of this God awful cancer.  


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