Monday, July 25, 2016

Another Lump - Ultrasound!!

I'm still trying to figure out what feels normal with these new boobs!  As each week passes, I'm getting more and more comfortable with them.  However, I started to feel a little lump on my right side.  ARE YOU SERIOUS????  I'm freaking out a bit! 

I saw my oncologist and she felt it too.  She said it doesn't feel abnormal and that it's not part of the implant.  She said it's most likely scar tissue, but to be sure, she's sending me for an ultrasound! 

I'm not worried at all - YEAH RIGHT!  On 7/25/16, I went for the ultrasound and ironically the same radiologist that confirmed my original 5 cm lump was the radiologist doing this ultrasound.  I told him, "I don't know if you know this or not, but you completely changed my life".  He totally remembered me and we had a good talk.  He paid extra attention to the area I described and he stated that there is nothing abnormal feeling or looking on the ultrasound that would make him concerned.  I asked to see the screen as I now know what a cancer looks like on the ultrasound and it looked normal.  I took a major deep breath and said a prayer!  Thank God it was nothing!  I can't even imagine! 

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