Wednesday, July 20, 2016

7/20/16 Phase 5 - Surgery #2 Day - Hysterectomy & Oophorectomy

Here we are surgery day 7/20/16 - this will be Surgery #2.  I will be getting a Hysterectomy (removal of Uterus) and Oophorectomy (removal of Ovaries & Fallopian Tubes). Why you may ask?  Well, when someone is BRCA1+, they have a higher percentage of developing ovarian cancer.  The recommendation is to remove the ovaries and fallopian tubes to prevent this from happening.  In my case, I pushed for a Hysterectomy as I have also had some major bleeding along the way.  Since I already have a 15% chance of recurrence, I don't want to take any chances. I have mixed emotions about this surgery mainly because it's removing ALL my female reproductive organs.  I'm fortunate that I've had my children with no problems and I'm totally done having children, but there's still that emotional part of me that knows that the organs that allowed me to become a mother, are now being removed.  All this messes with your mind!  So here we are!  This is a major surgery all done laparoscopically, with a 6-8 week recovery, no lifting anything over 5 pounds, no exercise, no bending down, no abdominal pressure etc.

The surgery will be taking place at Mass General.  What a machine this place is!  All went well, Dr. Clark got everything out with no issues - thank GOD!  I stayed over 1 night and got discharged on 7/21/16. 

Pain management is key with surgery.  I have 4 main cuts around my abdominal area with tons of abdominal pain - HOLY MOLY!!  Beyond that, my stomach is so bloated, it looks like I am 6 months pregnant which is normal for this type of surgery, none of my pants zip up and it's hard to walk, sit up, stand up and plainly, just move period!  Ugh, trying to find the silver lining here???  Let the healing begin.

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