Thursday, March 10, 2016

Chemo (Round 3 - weeks 7-9 of 12)

Week 7 Chemo Feb 18, 2016 - Going into week 7 I felt a bit worried as today was going to be not only my normal "Pre-Chemo meds" but then the "Big Chemo Cocktail" with Perjeta, Herceptin and Taxol which is what I get the first week of each "new round".  Scott came with me and my dear friend Patti came to visit!  During the treatment, I felt sooo bloated, everything was swollen - UGH!  Honestly I thought I was going to blow up and explode!  By nighttime, I had the worst heartburn yet!  Thank God for Prilosec!  As the week went by, I also got a swift hit of the Hot & Cold flashes.  Holy Moly!  It hits me at night and one minute I'm hot, then sweating my but off then the next minute I'm freezing!  This isn't a fun thing at any point in time, especially not fun when you are sleep deprived!  I also developed a bit of a cold, mostly the sniffles, but hanging in there as I keep trying to get used to this new hairdo!

Week 8 Chemo Feb 25, 2016 - This week was going to be a very SPECIAL week because it was going to be the first time my girls come to treatment with me!  They are on Feb school vacation and they kept asking to come - this was the "right" time for them.  Evmorfia is a  Girl Scout and she made the decision to work on her Silver Award by focusing on Breast Cancer.  She had this great idea to view it from the perspective of a teenager living with a parent with cancer.  There aren't many resources out there from this point of view and she felt she could have some impact.  Her goal is to document my journey, put it to video, publish it and ultimately make it a resource for the hospital for teenagers.  She also wants to be able to provide the Oncology something that all cancer patients can use while they are getting treatment. She's not sure what that will be yet, but she has such a great plan and of course her little sister Sophia wants in on it too!  Today will also be a productive day as she'll actually be meeting with the hospital & nurse staff to talk thru it!  I've very proud that she wants to do this.  I can't wait to see her final product.  I hope it makes an impact! 

Treatment was just normal chemo today (Taxol).  Felt bloated and swollen during treatment.  Dr. Browne (pictured below) said all looked good and to continue doing what I'm doing.  I also met with the Radiation Oncologist today - Dr. Zhoe.  We discussed many things related to when I get surgery and also when I start radiation.  So much to consider with each step.  With all this information, I'm happy to say I've made the final decision on surgery and it's scheduled!! 

During this week, I also was part of the "Fighting Fabulously" Pink Carpet Event.  There will a separate blog entry on that one as it was "FABULOUS" and deserves it's own entry! 
Week 9 Chemo March 3, 2016 - I felt pretty good going into week 9.  My good friend Patti stopped by today!  Overall ok, the only thing that has been declining is my sleep.  For the past 2 weeks I have been averaging 4 hours of sleep a night!  It's torture!  I fall asleep like a baby and then BAMM.... 1:30am every night I wake up and just linger on.  I brought it to Dr. Browne's attention and she decided to lower my Dex from 10 mg to 8mg which may make a difference.  she also suggested to take Tylenol PM.  I did try the Tylenol PM on Friday and Saturday night and ohhhhhhhhhh.... what a beautiful thing...SLEEP!  I forgot what it was like to get a good nights sleep!   This brings us to the end of Round 3!  It isn't pretty, but I'm here, still alive and kickin' - trying to beat this cancer thing!  Take that Cancer.... BAMM!

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