Monday, September 19, 2016

9/19/16 Rheumotologist - Oh the Joint Pain!

Beginning mid July, I started having some joint pain, mainly in the ankles.  I didn't think much of it because when we went on vacation we did ALOT of walking, so I thought it was just that.  However, since then, the joint pain that began in my ankles has moved up to my knees, my hips, my shoulders, my elbows, my wrists, my hand knuckles all the way full circle to my toes!  I have a pretty high threshold for pain, but this is unreal!  It's excruciating!!!  Its painful to walk and my hand and feet are swollen.  I can't even wear my wedding rings and half my shoes don't fit.  I mentioned it to my obgyn oncologist at my follow up appointment from my hysterectomy & oophorectomy surgery and also to my regular oncologist and they both agreed that these are not normal side effects from treatment or the recent surgery.  All the potential reasons of why I would have joint pain are not issues for me and they cannot figure out WHY I am having the severe pain.  Meanwhile, I am at the point in my treatment where Dr. Browne wants me to start Arimidex, which is the medication I will be on for the next 10 years.  It's an estrogen blocker which I will need to take to prevent recurrence, but one of the side effects of this drug is that it does cause joint pain.  Both oncologists suggested I go see a rheumatologist to see if there was something else going on that is causing the pain through every major joint area within my body.  Because of this, they want me to hold off on starting Arimidex until I see the rheumatologist to not alter any tests they might have me go thru.

On 9/19/16, I went to see Dr. John Gorman, he reviewed my case and he did an evaluation.  He also suggested that I get a full blood work up with some very specific tests to see if there is any issues.  Got all the tests done today.  The results came back reflecting that I have a Positive ANA which is an indicator of Lupus, however, all other variables that would indicate Lupus, are negative.  I also had elevated levels of inflammation.  The end result is that nothing they saw on the blood testing indicates why I am having the joint pain or what can be potentially causing it from that perspective.  Back to square one with the pain.   I hope this isn't going to be the "new normal" because I must say, my whole body HURTS constantly!!!

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