Friday, September 2, 2016

9/2/16 End of Radiation

I've been looking forward to this day ALMOST as much as I did to the end of chemo, almost!  Today completes my Radiation treatment - whaaahoooo!!!! Six weeks (28 sessions) of radiation is done!  Overall, I've held up pretty good considering all things!  The side effects are cumulative and I was doing great until the last week.  That's when the side effects kicked in for me.  I never really had any additional fatigue, but the skin changes appeared despite my treating my skin with Aquaphor and Eucerin.  My right chest wall is what was radiated directly.  When I look at my right chest side, it now looks like a have a REALLY dark brown/red tan/burn.  It really hurts.  Apparently, it may get worse before it gets better as the effects are cumulative.  Doctors orders were to continue with the lotions and if it becomes blistery, skin breaks or bleeds to contact them immediately.  I thought I got lucky with no effects, but not a chance!  I'll take the skin changes because it represents another phase DONE!  I even received a Radiation Completed DIPLOMA!  As proud I am of my MBA, this diploma means more than words can express!  It's a LIFE SAVING diploma!

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