Friday, January 22, 2016

Chemo (Round 1 - Weeks 1-3 of 12)

I am well on my way with treatments.
Week 1 Chemo Jan 7, 2016 - I was scared to death of what the day would be like and Scott was with me the whole time!  It started out with lab work, blood tests for another baseline and meeting with Dr. Browne.  My echo cardiogram results came back with perfect heart function which was great news!  Finally something good!  The rash I had developed from the vancomycin antibiotic I was given during the chest port surgery got a little worse, it spread all over my body and it was super itchy - UGH. 
This First Day of each Round of Chemo will include the following:
-Lidocaine Crème - this is put on around the Port-A-Cath to numb the area
-Salin (Fluids) - to keep you hydrated
-Dexamethasone (Steroid) - an anit-nausea medication to help prevent nausea
-Diphenhydramine (Benadryl) - helps prevent & reverse nausea but can make you lethargic
-Ondansetron (Zofran) - another anti nausea medication
-Ranitidine (Zantac) - helps prevent heartburn
Then the good stuff....
-Pertuzumab (Perjeta)is an anti cancer chemotherapy drug for patients with HER2+ breast cancer.  It is considered targeted therapy that in addition to traditional chemotheraphy, helps directly block the HER2+ protein
-Trastuzumab (Herceptin) is a monoclonal antibody used for patients with HER2+ breast cancer.  It is also considered targeted therapy that in addition to traditional chemotheraphy, helps directly block the HER2+ protein to prevent cells from multiplying, preventing further cancer growth & slowing cancer progression 
-Paclitaxel (Taxol) - is an anti cancer chemotherapy drug used to treat many types of cancer.  It is designed to kill cancer cells that are rapidly dividing.
They warned me about all the side effects and recommended that the first thing the following morning to take:
-Tylenol - to prevent a massive headache
-Prochlorperazine (Compazine) - to prevent nausea
I have to say, I was lucky - I didn't get the massive headache, nausea or fatigue - so in my book, it was an excellent 1st week of chemo! I went to work the next day, no problem, cleaned, ran my girls around, Scott did a lot more of the cooking - he's a amazing cook, thank goodness - YUM!  I can only pray that ALL my treatments go like this and that they are working and doing their job killing the bad cancer cells!  I may be dating myself here - but remember the video game Pac-Man?  I just envisioned that little guy moving internally all over my body eating up those bad cancer cells!  Eat um up baby!
Week 2 Chemo Jan 14, 2016 - I felt a bit more relaxed going into this treatment as I knew what to expect from the previous week.  My wonderful girlfriend Andrea Merenda came with me and we had a few good laughs, she's going to be my girly chemo buddy.  It stated out with meeting with Dr. Browne to see where I'm at.  I let her know that I had some burning during urination, my skin felt drier than normal and when I blew my nose, there was a light bloody mucus that wasn't there before.  My doctor had me do a urine test to make sure there is no infection - results came back clear - whew!  As for the dry skin and light blood when blowing my nose, these are all normal effects of the chemo.  So, lots more moisturizer and Vaseline up my nose for softness.  Ahh, the lovely things we do to feel normal.  This week of chemo included Fluids, Steroids, Benadryl then the chemo drug, Taxol. The Benadryl dose didn't sit well with me this time, it made me very edgy. I couldn't sit, my legs were anxious and I just wanted to kick something. The best way to describe it was I felt like a caged animal and I just wanted to rip everything plugged into me right off and run out of there! Apparently, Benadryl can do that and causes some anxiety.  So, for next time, they will decrease the Benadryl dosage. Relatively speaking though, I still feel good.  Went to work, ran the girls around like normal, went food shopping, put away all the holiday decorations etc.  I did feel a bit tired on Sunday, so I took a short nap.  I'll take feeling good for as long as I can! Here's my note from my daughter for this week and my nurse Leslie - she's the best!

Week 3 Chemo Jan 21, 2016 - today completes Round 1.  I went to work in the morning, got a bunch of stuff done and then off I went!  I was anxiously waiting to meet with Dr. Browne because I had started feeling some pain under my arm pit area which made me nervous.  My fear was that it could be spreading even though I'm getting treatment - it happens.  She was actually not concerned as she stated that it can mean that the chemo is attacking the cells and breaking them down.  She did another exam and she stated that she didn't feel anything under the arm pit area and that the tumor didn't feel any bigger.  I felt a huge sense of relieve!  Off to treatment I went.  This week of chemo included Fluids, Steroids, Benadryl then the chemo drug, Taxol. My Benadryl dose was half of the previous 2 times and it was much better!  I didn't feel like that caged animal like last time - whew!  My wonderful girlfriend Patti Benjamin who also works at the hospital came to stay with me for a while.  She's also the co-leader of our Girl Scout troop and she's very crafty!  She handmade me this gorgeous scarf with just the right amount of sparkle - she's knows me too well.  It was so thoughtful!  Made me realize I need to re-learn how to knit!   I did feel sleepy during this treatment and even dozed off for a bit.  But again, relatively speaking, still feeling strong.  I'll take it!  Here's my note from my daughters for this week:


  1. Keep it up Super Woman!!! LOVE YOU! Your Lil'...Shannon :)

  2. Great job, Irene! Keep trudging! You're strong and have wonderful support! Thanks for doing this blog and being so open to sharing this difficult experience! Love you sweetie! 🙏🏻💪🏻😘
