Thursday, January 14, 2016

THANK YOU - Overwhelmed, Humbled & Blessed

I'm beyond overwhelmed & humbled by so many people who have reached out to me.  All from many different walks of life & paths that has brought us into each other's lives thru the years. From the bottom of my heart.. Thank You. I'm still trying to find acceptance in the fact that I have breast cancer - it's still so fresh and talking about it is still hard - although I'm getting better. I promised my daughters I would be open about everything (within reason of course), so, I'm trying.

All the thoughts, prayers and words of wisdom have been so meaningful to me.  I've read every word, responded to every email, text, call.  I appreciate it ALL!  I have been taken back by it all!  I live in a wonderful town and the support our friends, our daughters friends, neighbors and everyone in general both near and far from our family, family overseas, to my church St. Philips Greek Orthodox Church, to my pageant friends, ZTA sorority sisters, AJWC, Girls Scouts, my work (Fidelity) and Scott's work has shown me and my family has been beyond overwhelming, generous and most of all sooo thoughtful.... I honestly couldn't have imagined it - I'm so humbled and feel truly blessed to have that support.  I've heard from so many women that have gone thru this journey, we've talked about their journey's, they've shared the ups and downs and lots of tips from one extreme to another - thank you for those!  The best part of their stories are that they are still hear and able to talk about it and doing well - that gives me HOPE beyond anything! 

What I found interesting is, how many women reached out and told me they were scheduling their mammograms.  I never imagined my story would lead to that, but I think that's fantastic!  If someone can learn from my story, what more can I ask for?  Check yourself, be proactive and take charge of your health!  As my daughter put it jokingly "Don't be a Boob, Save yours Instead" - LOL.  But seriously, I found my 5cm tumor, I knew my body and it didn't feel like any other lump I've ever had, in my gut I knew something wasn't right.  Trust your gut, if something doesn't feel right, get checked, PLEASE!  The reality is this can happen to anyone of us.  Thank you from the bottom of my heart for caring, for reaching out, for simply acknowledging and being there, even when I don't want to talk or I look like I'm about to cry and lose it - THANK YOU...

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